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Request: Lightning Assassin Simple Mode


Hello Guys,

Been fiddling around the XML file following Cupid's instructions, but can't seem to figure it out...

Basically Trying to make Assassin Simple Mode in stealth to be 4 > rmb > 4 > rmb (basically making it 2 full rotations due to 4 not being cancelled in simple mode).

And also trying to add 4 (Lightning Rod) to the soulburn rotation, so it's the same as the above : 4 > rmb > 4 > rmb.

Been checking out different posts to check for a solution on the location and such, but can't seem to figure it out.

Would anyone be able to help out on this? or guide me to the correct place?

I can find the skill in the Editor, but have no idea what to do next at all..


16 inches of Chi

Sand Warrior
Literally never touched assassins simple mode, but try finding 4 and put the SB RMB below it or put another 4 above SB RMB. Kinda depends where both are and where F or another skill is, but since I'm too lazy to look myself that's all I can give you :p


This is what i see when i check for the skill

Simple Mode.png

Issue being, i cant understand it... the skill ids above and below, none of them match any of the simple mode rotations.. and i search for rmb (which is the skill that follows 4 on simple mode by default if i disable F ) it jumps me off to a far away place in the same file, same happens to the F skill, so none of them seem connected in any way


You can read https://www.bnsbuddy.com/threads/remove-skills-from-simple-mode.551/ for more info about all this.

If you notice, there's a warning there about the skill ids.

Issue is not with the ID, i can find the exact ID for the skill in this case 4 (Lightning Rod) the skills followed by it are the ones that don't match at all with the rest, and if i search the ID for the RMB (Heart Stab) or F (Lightning Crash) i can also find them, just very spaced out between eachother, making no sense in being any correlation..

I would imagine the simple mode rotation would all be in the same lines or close to atleast no? like skill id for 4 followed by id for rmb for example?

Also i read through the post, and also went to the other one, and to some other requests where they were able to fix it, but i couldn't figure it out still..

In the post you do explain how to find the id and everything, but at step 6 it stops there, thats my doubt, what do i do next? to add? mainly because what i see on the file doesn't match the rotation as i stated previously.

Meaning the IDs below 25142 don't match RMB or F at all, not a simple +1 or +2 digits difference, just completely different numbers.

A bit all over the place with this, but hopefully it makes more sense now, my question

16 inches of Chi

Sand Warrior
This is what i see when i check for the skill

View attachment 916

Issue being, i cant understand it... the skill ids above and below, none of them match any of the simple mode rotations.. and i search for rmb (which is the skill that follows 4 on simple mode by default if i disable F ) it jumps me off to a far away place in the same file, same happens to the F skill, so none of them seem connected in any way

I found 4 followed by F and a couple numbers the browser wouldn't take. What is the problem here? Find the ID for SB RMB and regular RMB and put it below 25142 and it'll cast 4 before RMB.

Quick edit: If you put F below RMB it will only cast it if you're out of focus and if you wanna move around your restrain skill to not be above everything els or change the key now's the time.
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I found 4 followed by F and a couple numbers the browser wouldn't take. What is the problem here? Find the ID for SB RMB and regular RMB and put it below 25142 and it'll cast 4 before RMB.

Quick edit: If you put F below RMB it will only cast it if you're out of focus and if you wanna move around your restrain skill to not be above everything els or change the key now's the time.

Might just be me not understanding it, hence why i was saying that i might be all over the place with the question.

In my ingenuity, thought it would be the ID for 4 with the block of code as in the print screen followed by the block of code for the rmb, meaning i was expecting to see a sequencial block of code as it shows in the simple mode window, with no other IDs inbetween.

Il try and mess around it a bit more and see if i can figure it out, thanks for the help though!

16 inches of Chi

Sand Warrior
Might just be me not understanding it, hence why i was saying that i might be all over the place with the question.

In my ingenuity, thought it would be the ID for 4 with the block of code as in the print screen followed by the block of code for the rmb, meaning i was expecting to see a sequencial block of code as it shows in the simple mode window, with no other IDs inbetween.

Il try and mess around it a bit more and see if i can figure it out, thanks for the help though!

Nah dude, RMB is probably way down at the bottom since it's the "base" skill for stealth and decoy stance, AKA the skill it casts when it's got nothing els cooler to cast. Putting it up will probably fuck up a lot of things since it'll block a bunch of other skills, putting SB RMB up there will do the same but only during SB so it should be fineTM.

Give it a try and if it doesn't work tweak it. If it doesn't work after that turn to alcoholism.


Well gave it a few tries, set it above below, basically set it everywhere itd make sense, makes absolute no changes at all.

Guess its alcoholism now!

Thanks once again

16 inches of Chi

Sand Warrior
Well gave it a few tries, set it above below, basically set it everywhere itd make sense, makes absolute no changes at all.

Guess its alcoholism now!

Thanks once again
Why don't you just disabled the skills you don't want in the skill window ingame though?! Also lightning sin without "Lightning pierce" is kinda really fucking shit.


Hey man, i already did what u wanted. Let me tell you even without F in simplemode, 4-rmb not gonna get cancelled in perfect way, so don't worry :).

In order to have only 4-rmb as combo, just remove the lighting pierce skill from the simple mode altogether.
If you want 4 in soulburn, add the code block, u can already find by searching for 25142 above awakened RMB code ( dunno which one is it now ).

Having it higher basicly means it takes priority over it, so if its available its gonna get casted first.

off to the others : he doesn't want F because he is using the lighting sin pulse or dynasty badge, which makes the optimal rotation 4-rmb in stealth.
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Disabling lightning pierce in game does not solve any issues that lightning sin simple mode has. Even playing with very low ping, trying to disable pierce so that only rmb-4 is used still makes you play as if youve got 400+ ping. Its the way lightning rod is casted or maybe the order in which rmb and lightning rod are casted. I had tried to fiddle with these things previously before all of the widely known information was out now, and unless theres a way to change the conditions under how lightning rod is casted, theres no way to make the simple mode for it better

Also, the desired rotation for this simple mode for those who do not know is for LR to be casted, then RMB casted to cancel the animation of LR, done repeatedly until pulse/dynasty badge runs out of time (rmb immediately reduces the lr cooldown to 0 aswell, so lr should be used again as soon as possible after rmb has cancelled lr). The amount of lr/rmbs a good player can get within dynasty’s times (10 seconds) during parsing is usually 20/20 lr/rmb. Anything lower can mean massive loss of counts, loss of dps and loss of rotation uptime.

Note: I am stating these things about lightning sin because it might help those who don’t have experience with it to understand the hurdles that come with what we want to achieve in this simple mode edit.

Quick edit: the same rotation is desired while in soulburn. Nothing is changed comparing normal rotation and soulburn rotation.
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16 inches of Chi

Sand Warrior
Disabling lightning pierce in game does not solve any issues that lightning sin simple mode has. Even playing with very low ping, trying to disable pierce so that only rmb-4 is used still makes you play as if youve got 400+ ping. Its the way lightning rod is casted or maybe the order in which rmb and lightning rod are casted. I had tried to fiddle with these things previously before all of the widely known information was out now, and unless theres a way to change the conditions under how lightning rod is casted, theres no way to make the simple mode for it better

Also, the desired rotation for this simple mode for those who do not know is for LR to be casted, then RMB casted to cancel the animation of LR, done repeatedly until pulse/dynasty badge runs out of time (rmb immediately reduces the lr cooldown to 0 aswell, so lr should be used again as soon as possible after rmb has cancelled lr). The amount of lr/rmbs a good player can get within dynasty’s times (10 seconds) during parsing is usually 20/20 lr/rmb. Anything lower can mean massive loss of counts, loss of dps and loss of rotation uptime.

Note: I am stating these things about lightning sin because it might help those who don’t have experience with it to understand the hurdles that come with what we want to achieve in this simple mode edit.

Quick edit: the same rotation is desired while in soulburn. Nothing is changed comparing normal rotation and soulburn rotation.

Thanks for the explanation as I don't play lightning sin. I tried disabling some skills ingame so I just got 4 and RMB in my stealth rotation and it seemed fine to me speedwise. Ofcourse it doesn't cancel LR like at all but I felt it was pretty alright overall, I do play with the experimental attack delay removal addon so that might help out a lot but I didn't feel any of the 400 ping you were talking about.
For reference, alright means it casted RMB after the 4 animation just about ended.

You probably won't get 20/20 though, but if you have a well geared sin could you try this for me? The addon can be found https://www.bnsbuddy.com/threads/how-do-we-feel-about-xml-edits-that-effect-dps.686/ in the commends if you scroll down a little. It's called Attack delay removal TEST.patch. Might break some interaction stuff for you ingame too but I found it to be bearable.


You probably won't get 20/20 though, but if you have a well geared sin could you try this for me? The addon can be found https://www.bnsbuddy.com/threads/how-do-we-feel-about-xml-edits-that-effect-dps.686/ in the commends if you scroll down a little. It's called Attack delay removal TEST.patch. Might break some interaction stuff for you ingame too but I found it to be bearable.

i'ma try it out.

Also sorry i didn't make it clear about how it works.

been trying to macro it, but gets too unreliable for my ping, hence why i was trying simple mode, seem much more stable than a macro.

For an ani cancel of LR you shouldn't get almost any animation of it, basically just the rod coming from the back and then rmb

Edit - Tried it out, no diff at all to be honest with the patch for delay
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I’ll try it out aswell, probably tomorrow. Today got too much stuff going on and needa do. Also, the 400+ ping thing is more like a saying for us sins as generally the simple mode is bad. The things youve been testing out I would assume would be with pulse and blue moon, unless you have a higher geared sin youve been testing on. Generally, this reliance on high counts only comes after you have gotten the holy trinity (arcana, 8-set, dynasty) so it may not seem bad for you if your playing with under it, but for above it, it becomes much more complicated. To be able to keep full rotation up because of the lowered uptime from pulse to dynasty, it requires to get a certain amount of counts within a certain amount of time to maintain 100% uptime. Specifically, at the least 12 rmb’s in 6 seconds to fully reset chokebomb to keep full rotation. Dropping rotation at any time is a massive dps loss, which is why anicancelling is so important for lightning sin. I probably should’ve expressed this earlier, sorry.

So if simple mode cannot achieve this level of cancelling perfectability, it’s probably not even worth trying to find ways to edit simple mode to do the rotation.

It might be better to just stick with macro or do something else that might not be desirable if the build is not doable because of ping problems (directed at OP).
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16 inches of Chi

Sand Warrior
i'ma try it out.

Also sorry i didn't make it clear about how it works.

been trying to macro it, but gets too unreliable for my ping, hence why i was trying simple mode, seem much more stable than a macro.

For an ani cancel of LR you shouldn't get almost any animation of it, basically just the rod coming from the back and then rmb

Edit - Tried it out, no diff at all to be honest with the patch for delay

Well shit, it was worth a shot. I can only very rarely cancel LR myself even with normal mode.

I’ll try it out aswell, probably tomorrow. Today got too much stuff going on and needa do. Also, the 400+ ping thing is more like a saying for us sins as generally the simple mode is bad. The things youve been testing out I would assume would be with pulse and blue moon, unless you have a higher geared sin youve been testing on. Generally, this reliance on high counts only comes after you have gotten the holy trinity (arcana, 8-set, dynasty) so it may not seem bad for you if your playing with under it, but for above it, it becomes much more complicated. To be able to keep full rotation up because of the lowered uptime from pulse to dynasty, it requires to get a certain amount of counts within a certain amount of time to maintain 100% uptime. Specifically, at the least 12 rmb’s in 6 seconds to fully reset chokebomb to keep full rotation. Dropping rotation at any time is a massive dps loss, which is why anicancelling is so important for lightning sin. I probably should’ve expressed this earlier, sorry.

So if simple mode cannot achieve this level of cancelling perfectability, it’s probably not even worth trying to find ways to edit simple mode to do the rotation.

It might be better to just stick with macro or do something else that might not be desirable if the build is not doable because of ping problems (directed at OP).

I have a fucking pinnacle dagger man, I don't play sin. I don't think simple mode is gonna do it for you, it only fully cancelled LR like two times during my 5 min I went at it but I only get a rod every 6 sec.


try this, dont test in SB yet, only test using BB with badge (both mythic and legendary) rotation: choke bomb (brac proc) + BB stealth + time bomb + 4 + RMB (4+rmb until end), Lightining pierce go back to F during this rotation, on normal rotation without BB or time bomb lightining pierce show in RMB i dont know why.


  • SIN Simple Mode DPS Lig Rod + Heart Stab.patch
    449 bytes · Views: 218


try this, dont test in SB yet, only test using BB with badge (both mythic and legendary) rotation: choke bomb (brac proc) + BB stealth + time bomb + 4 + RMB (4+rmb until end), Lightining pierce go back to F during this rotation, on normal rotation without BB or time bomb lightining pierce show in RMB i dont know why.

Tried it out, for me it makes no difference at all, still same huge delay between the rmb > 4

16 inches of Chi

Sand Warrior
Tried it out, for me it makes no difference at all, still same huge delay between the rmb > 4

Sorry to break it to you man, but that delay is there for every class. It's just how simple mode does things. There's nothing we can do about that far as I know except the addon I already gave you.
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