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How to Make Your Character Dummy Thick


When people are making their character, they tend to max out the breast and hip sliders which would imply that they'd take them further if they could.
Of course, what does that matter? The sliders only go so far, right?
Blade & Soul Screenshot 2021.10.07 -
Well...Yes and no. Let me tell you how to become a whale without paying.

What you'll need:

BnS public tool - https://mega.nz/folder/WXhzUZ7Y#XzlqkPa8DU4X8xrILQDdZA
UnrealPak 4.25 - https://www.mediafire.com/file/15opjehorqyimf6/Oodle_Drag-n-Drop.zip/file (modified version I'll be using)
BnS Shark - http://multitool.tonic.pw/ (Mainly because of the bundled plugins, not so much the launcher. SigBypass is required for pak edits. Other plug-ins might be required as well. Be careful with login helper because ironically it can prevent the game from starting.)
and of course - a working, up to date copy of Blade and Soul™
I also strongly recommend backing up a copy of Pak0-Local (unmodified) just in case things go haywire so you don't have to repair the entire game.

Once you've extracted Ooodle DnD you'll want to take a copy of Pak0-Local from the game's pak folder and place it in the engine/binaries/win64 folder of the extracted directory:
this folder is where most of the heavy lifting is done.

It's worth noting that in order to extract files from the game: you'll need to have the correct key in crypto.json, which is "0uX3+U5iXv4nJrU2DBA5zny5q7dgqU83uxWm3Ah0FlY=" for the North American version and the one that the zip file I included already has set. Meaning you don't have to tweak it if you're on NA. If not, well...I only have the keys for NA.

Place the Pak0-Local.pak on top of Extract-pak.bat
this should create a folder called Pak0-Local with 2 files inside: config64.dat and xml64.dat.
We're not touching config64; but xml64.dat needs to be extracted in order to modify character values, this is where BnS tool comes in. Open BnS tool, go to file path (the top one), then press extract, then select an empty folder (we'll name xml64) to dump the xml sheets in.

Inside of the xml64 folder should look like this afterwards:

If you want your character to look like mine you could copy the characterdefvaluedata.xml file from the custom resources to the xml64/engine folder and overwrite, but if you don't like my values you could just go to the extracted xml64/engine folder and plug in your own values by following the legend I graciously provided in the customResources folder. Keep in mind that the changes you make are race specific, and client side only. Oh, and I'm not sure I ever got around to modifying Lynns properly.

Once you've assigned the character xml sheet with the values you want (or just copied mine) go back to bns tool, because now it's time to repack xml64.dat. Your settings have to look exactly like this otherwise your game won't start after you replace the pak.
again this only applies to the North American server. If you're on some other server I have no idea what your stuff's supposed to look like. go to directory path and select the xml64 folder full of extracted xml files, then press create and overwrite the xml64.dat file in the pak0-Local folder.

Now for packing process. First you'll want to make sure your filelist.txt looks something like this
but with the filepath changed to whatever it's supposed to be on your machine. Now you should be ready to copy your pak0-Local folder onto Repack-Pak.bat and create a new pak0-Local.pak.
Copy that pak into the game's pak folder, and then (hopefully) boot the game up.

Blade & Soul 2021.09.26 -[2021.11.07_16.20.48].jpg

You'll have to re-do this process every time the game gets updated, (it actually goes by pretty fast once you get the hang of it and backup your modified xml sheet). This is why I wrote this entire damn thing instead of just dropping my own pak and being done with it: the pak would become obsolete in like 1 month.


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Bamboo Warrior
Just use as addon lol dont mess af with that a lot stuff
Pretty sure the game doesn't load that xml64.dat in local/NCWest/data anymore, and only the one within Pak0-Local.pak is loaded. I tried using xml64.dat as an addon, replacing it in local/NCWest/data and also Pak0-Local.pak mod. Out of these three, only the last method works.


Pretty sure the game doesn't load that xml64.dat in local/NCWest/data anymore, and only the one within Pak0-Local.pak is loaded. I tried using xml64.dat as an addon, replacing it in local/NCWest/data and also Pak0-Local.pak mod. Out of these three, only the last method works.
wdym, its still work. doesnt matter the file and location. if multitool xml works, then addons works too.
here is proof for jin chest size 2x



The same way to using for The Taiwan server is Ok?
Help,I want to need you ideas and have same experience expert give me some method,thanks!:bnswink:
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I'm use this way,but failed.I install my PAK(use you method),then...probably The taiwan Server use new encryption mode,Starter is working,but i'm not got inside and backed to Starter,Why?
Expect you ideas.
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When people are making their character, they tend to max out the breast and hip sliders which would imply that they'd take them further if they could.
Of course, what does that matter? The sliders only go so far, right?

Well...Yes and no. Let me tell you how to become a whale without paying.

What you'll need:
Just a heads up that this method no longer works for changing sliders. Using the latest .pak file, repeating the process etc worked before, but the game will now pop this message each time. Either the encryption key changed, or they've managed to add something that detects modified .pak files.


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Just a heads up that this method no longer works for changing sliders. Using the latest .pak file, repeating the process etc worked before, but the game will now pop this message each time. Either the encryption key changed, or they've managed to add something that detects modified .pak files.
I envy your confidence; even though it's completely misplaced.

I'm using an editted .pak on the live patch right now, nothing has stopped working.
You probably just re-packed an outdated xml folder by mistake, resulting in a version mismatch.
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thanks for this man, i just got this to work on eu.

you might want to add in here that ppl should delete the xml64 folder before they repack the files jus tbecause, many times whilst learning how to do this, i repacked the xml64 folder along with the .dat files (yeah i know should be obvious, but for first time modders like me, it's difficult)

side note - Sometimes i get 3000 network error after i've modded these, what is that about? (I am more curious than anything really)


Thanks for the instructions. I've attempted to follow these steps to the letter, but I get this error at the end.

I can replace the Pak0-Local.pak file with my original backup and the game will launch fine. I'm on NA, so I'm not sure what could've went wrong.
I assume if anything went wrong, it would be in the repacking of the xml64.dat file, which my settings for that are below. The options have different labels compared to yours, but I assume that's simply because I'm using a newer version of the tool and it shouldn't matter.

The only other part in the process that looked slightly different from what you've shown is in the final repacking of the Pak0-Local.pak file. Mine doesn't output anything regarding compression while yours did. I'm not sure if that would cause an issue, or how to fix it.

Any ideas on what could be going wrong?


Thanks for the instructions. I've attempted to follow these steps to the letter, but I get this error at the end.
View attachment 6361

I can replace the Pak0-Local.pak file with my original backup and the game will launch fine. I'm on NA, so I'm not sure what could've went wrong.
I assume if anything went wrong, it would be in the repacking of the xml64.dat file, which my settings for that are below. The options have different labels compared to yours, but I assume that's simply because I'm using a newer version of the tool and it shouldn't matter.
View attachment 6362

The only other part in the process that looked slightly different from what you've shown is in the final repacking of the Pak0-Local.pak file. Mine doesn't output anything regarding compression while yours did. I'm not sure if that would cause an issue, or how to fix it.
View attachment 6363

Any ideas on what could be going wrong?
i think you're doing what I did at the start - repacking a extra file or two in the wrong place.

The first stage of this process is to extract the pak0-local.pak using the batch file from the guide - drag and drop the pak file from ur game client onto the extraxt pak batch script executable, this will then create a file directory inside of the OodleUI called Pak0-Local, and inside will be two .dat files.

inside of the newly created Pak0-Local file via the extract-pak.bat script.


xml64.dat and config64.dat - we only care about xml64.dat. You then extract the contets of xml64.dat using bnstool -

click the 3 dots on Bnstool for "Extract - Input File Path", navigate to the pack0-local file, and select the xml64.dat, then click extract on the tool. this will ask us where we want to output the files. in the guide we are told to create a file just called xml64 to extract into.

(screenshot below - first windows box is the extract destination for bnstool, 2nd windows box is peak into normal file explore view where i created the xml64 file to hold the extracted stuff from the xml64.dat)

I think the mistake you make is this point - once you are done inside of this part (modifying the character values etc)


we then have to repack the .dat file on the extracted xml64 contents into the xml64.dat file using bnstool - this time in the second dialog box on bns tool, click the 3dots for "Create - Input file directory" and select the xml64 FILE (the one we extracted).

When you click create, another box will pop up for the output of this action - you then select the xml64.dat we first extracted (we want to replace the contents of this xml64.dat with the contents that we extracted, etc) note - I still haven't left the Pak0-Local folder that was created from the first step, using the batch executable script and drag and drop from the intial pak0-local.pak file.

This will pop up "Are you sure you want to overwrite this" hit yes,

now my xml64.dat has been modified with values i want, we need to repack this into the pak0-local.pak file, but, we have also done something here - we created a file inside of this extracted file, called xml64, to extract the xml64.dat contents. This part i messed up - you need to delete the xml64 file we created, not the xml64.dat - the xml64.dat has the contents saved from the 2nd stage of bns tool, the xml64 file with all these other data files, is not needed and can't be repacked into pak0-local.pak

1652598368931.png -- you can see here, my xml64.dat has been update via the timing differences.


i've now deleted that xml64 file that was in this pak0-local file, because that was what we made, and we can't repack that into the pak0local.pak game file, because it will throw error like urs.

now go back one file level and drag and drop the pak0-local folder, onto the repack batch script.


this will then update that pak0-local.pak file in this engine directory - copy and paste into the game clients directory.


p.s if it wasnt this - check your filelist text file inside of oodleui looks like this or similar to mine and OP's, i think i had to change a directory -



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i think you're doing what I did at the start - repacking a extra file or two in the wrong place.

The first stage of this process is to extract the pak0-local.pak using the batch file from the guide - drag and drop the pak file from ur game client onto the extraxt pak batch script executable, this will then create a file directory inside of the OodleUI called Pak0-Local, and inside will be two .dat files.
View attachment 6364

inside of the newly created Pak0-Local file via the extract-pak.bat script.

View attachment 6365

xml64.dat and config64.dat - we only care about xml64.dat. You then extract the contets of xml64.dat using bnstool -
View attachment 6366

click the 3 dots on Bnstool for "Extract - Input File Path", navigate to the pack0-local file, and select the xml64.dat, then click extract on the tool. this will ask us where we want to output the files. in the guide we are told to create a file just called xml64 to extract into.

(screenshot below - first windows box is the extract destination for bnstool, 2nd windows box is peak into normal file explore view where i created the xml64 file to hold the extracted stuff from the xml64.dat)
View attachment 6367

I think the mistake you make is this point - once you are done inside of this part (modifying the character values etc)

View attachment 6368

we then have to repack the .dat file on the extracted xml64 contents into the xml64.dat file using bnstool - this time in the second dialog box on bns tool, click the 3dots for "Create - Input file directory" and select the xml64 FILE (the one we extracted).

When you click create, another box will pop up for the output of this action - you then select the xml64.dat we first extracted (we want to replace the contents of this xml64.dat with the contents that we extracted, etc) note - I still haven't left the Pak0-Local folder that was created from the first step, using the batch executable script and drag and drop from the intial pak0-local.pak file.

This will pop up "Are you sure you want to overwrite this" hit yes,

now my xml64.dat has been modified with values i want, we need to repack this into the pak0-local.pak file, but, we have also done something here - we created a file inside of this extracted file, called xml64, to extract the xml64.dat contents. This part i messed up - you need to delete the xml64 file we created, not the xml64.dat - the xml64.dat has the contents saved from the 2nd stage of bns tool, the xml64 file with all these other data files, is not needed and can't be repacked into pak0-local.pak

View attachment 6371 -- you can see here, my xml64.dat has been update via the timing differences.

View attachment 6372

i've now deleted that xml64 file that was in this pak0-local file, because that was what we made, and we can't repack that into the pak0local.pak game file, because it will throw error like urs.

now go back one file level and drag and drop the pak0-local folder, onto the repack batch script.

View attachment 6373

this will then update that pak0-local.pak file in this engine directory - copy and paste into the game clients directory.

View attachment 6374

p.s if it wasnt this - check your filelist text file inside of oodleui looks like this or similar to mine and OP's, i think i had to change a directory -

View attachment 6375
Thanks. I did everything just like you did, except I extracted the contents of xml64.dat to a different folder so I didn't have to worry about deleting it out of the Pak0-Local folder. It still doesn't work for me.

That is good to know that this method still works though. So it must be something else I'm doing wrong...
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Thanks. I did everything just like you did, except I extracted the contents of xml64.dat to a different folder so I didn't have to worry about deleting it out of the Pak0-Local folder. It still doesn't work for me.

That is good to know that this method still works though. So it must be something else I'm doing wrong...
I went ahead and tried doing the whole process again, but this time not changing any xml files. Theoretically I should just be unpacking and repacking the same files. But I still get the same error. I have no clue what I'm doing wrong. My Pak0-Local folder only contains the config64.dat and xml64.dat files, so I'm
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Ok, I just tried extracting the Pak0-Local.pak file, then repacking that without trying to extract xml64.dat. Even with just unpacking and repacking Pak0-Local.pak, I get that error. I have 0 clue why this would cause the error, as this OoodleUI tool doesn't really have any options for me to mess up. The only thing is the filelist.txt, but my path in there is correct.

Any ideas on why this could be happening?
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Thanks. I did everything just like you did, except I extracted the contents of xml64.dat to a different folder so I didn't have to worry about deleting it out of the Pak0-Local folder. It still doesn't work for me.

That is good to know that this method still works though. So it must be something else I'm doing wrong...
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I went ahead and tried doing the whole process again, but this time not changing any xml files. Theoretically I should just be unpacking and repacking the same files. But I still get the same error. I have no clue what I'm doing wrong. My Pak0-Local folder only contains the config64.dat and xml64.dat files, so I'm
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Ok, I just tried extracting the Pak0-Local.pak file, then repacking that without trying to extract xml64.dat. Even with just unpacking and repacking Pak0-Local.pak, I get that error. I have 0 clue why this would cause the error, as this OoodleUI tool doesn't really have any options for me to mess up. The only thing is the filelist.txt, but my path in there is correct.

Any ideas on why this could be happening?

I'm having the same issue. Even if I repack the pak0 folder completely unmodified. This is with PakSigBypass, Loader3, and BNSPatch installed.
At this point I would normally dismiss my write-up as outdated; but someone else is claiming to still be able to modify their file; if that's the case then I guess they know something I don't.

Of course this is under the assumption that they didn't just walk you through their workflow without actually testing.

EDIT: Okay, apparently nobody knows anything, including me. The XML/pak modification just randomly started working for me again after several failed attempts. I know this sounds like a joke but it's not. After reverting my modifications and (re?) installing bns shark the only thing I did differently was remove the data folder from NCWest, let the game fail to start, put the data folder back inside NCWest, let the game start again, and then inserted a modified pak file, at which point the game just randomly decided to start co-operating again.

This makes no sense to either of us and probably won't help you at all. I don't even know why I'm sharing this information with you.
This is "have you tried turning it off and on again?" levels of unhelpful advice, I feel silly.

Here's a possibly related piece of Trivia from sharkboy's discord:
Starting tomorrow NA / EU will need to use PakSigBypass to use mods, with that I have enabled PakSig Bypass in the plugin section of multi-tool for NA/EU region.
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Ok, here's one more shot in the dark.
Short answer: Uninstall the multi-tool login "helper" plugin and launch the game through the base client.

Long answer:
Even if your pak0 was put together flawlessly The multi-tool (or at least its plugins) can interfere with the game and stop it from launching, even if you deleted the Multi-tool. Multi-tool plugins are installed in the game's directory; not the multi-tool's.

I triggered the invalid game client issue once more just by deleting and reinstalling the multi-tool again (I wasn't even trying to recreate the issue I just didn't want its folders littered on my desktop!) and this time I couldn't even launch the game with the base pak because I'd get stuck at the login screen. I ended up resolving the problem by uninstalling the login "helper" plugin through the multi-tool's interface (thank god that's an option in the program) and then starting the game through NCLauncher 2.

The login "helper" plugin is incredibly unstable. I'd say to avoid the multi tool entirely because of it, but I think some of it's other plugins (SigBypass, Loader3, BNSPatch, GameguardBypass) might be required to use modified paks at all.

I should probably test that out at some point...
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Thanks for all your help. I finally have it working. The issue was that I didn't have the new PakSigBypass plugin installed, which is definitely now required.
I'm able to use the login helper plugin without issue.

Here are all the plugins I have installed, in case anyone else wants to know: Loader3, Gameguard Bypass, PakSig Bypass, BNS Patch, Login Helper.
No other plugins, mods, or patches installed. I did everything else by following this guide, and it's working flawlessly now.


i've tried running Extract-Pak.bat , even as administrator but it closes instantly. Didn't create any folders
I've placed the pak0-Local.pak there though.
Edit: i've had to extract it using different methods.
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Just a heads up that this method no longer works for changing sliders. Using the latest .pak file, repeating the process etc worked before, but the game will now pop this message each time. Either the encryption key changed, or they've managed to add something that detects modified .pak files.
that's exactly how i eneded up with except its code 1002.
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If it's client-side, does it pretty much mean only I can see it and no one else on server can?
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