- Added: a plus button for a full description for the mod
- Added: Preview button in mod manager
- Added: Help button for mod manager
- Added: Beautify button to dat editor for xml cleanup
- Added: Syntax check for dat editor to prevent corrupted files
- Added: Disabling menu options when game is already running
- Added: Save as xml button for dat editor
- Added: Colors to installed mods
- Added: Installed mods conflict check
- Added: Sub mods to mod manager
- Modified: Mod Manager to install mods with symlinks for faster operations & save space
- Modified: Applying/removing mod buttons renamed
- Reworked: Detection of installed mods
- Reworked: Mod manager does it's job with threads instead of background worker
- Fixed Bug: Duplicate process check within tick would cause error if overlapped
- Fixed Bug: Grabbing color on other forms even if settings.ini didn't exist crashed buddy
- Fixed Bug: BackColor for treeview for xmls in dat editor goes black randomnly and not readable
- Fixed Bug: Popups styling from buddy would be broken and button would overlap