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Skill ID's that aren't listed in the skill book

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Fire kfm tiger strike shows up two places during tremor and blue buff

I have used the tutorials on how to remove skills from simple mode and successfully moved a skill that was in the skill book. However when I use tremor or blue buff a tiger strike shows up on 2 that is glowing with the combo effect. Trying to figure out which skill id on skillbar-2 is taking a long time so I was wondering if someone knew how to find the other id's.

p.s. adding 1 and subtracting 1 to the id of tiger strike did not work


True Hongmoon
skillbar-ui-effect="combo" = shiny glow around skill icon
when you bb or tremor different tiger strike appears
cuz bb and tremor boost tiger strike base dmg which means it just make boosted tigerstrike usable over normal tiger strike during bb / tremor
thats why there many ids for tiger strike
< sb / bb / tremor

every tiger strike has special condition when it appears (ive tested it befre as u can see)


I see. so you put all of the skillbar-ui-effect="combo" on different keys? I will try that next.
--- Merged ---
I see. so you put all of the skillbar-ui-effect="combo" on different keys? I will try that next.
after moving all skillbar-2 with combo effect skill id's to context-2 i have moved every tiger strike over to rmb so that's good.


so you did what you wanted?
yes tiger strike is now on rmb like I want thank you for the help. I'll play around with it for other skills later.
--- Merged ---
finally put it into a patch file.


  • KFM-swap2andrmb.patch
    5.4 KB · Views: 24
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