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Remove lmb in simplemode for des earth awaken

Đặng Nhật Tín

My english is not well so anyone can help me with this request :(( , I know page have addon for des but my ping and my fps can not play in normal mode so i want in simple mode but need some tweak , thanks

Update : remove LMB for des EARTH awaken in simplemode by Exora


  • DES_EARTH_Judgment_removal_from_SIMP_mode_.patch
    2.1 KB · Views: 37
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Đặng Nhật Tín

but its exactly the same, simp or normal mode with addon its just your imagination that simp is faster e.e
No, I mean my ping and my fps sometime get high , drop fps , etc... so I want to play with simplemode but simple mode have This skill it cancel animation too much slow and not necessary anymore when awaken path and high gear no more chi problem but sometimes it does so I want to remove this skill out of simple mode not disable it :bnscry:
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I play in Vietnam server with garena laucher , so thread find id awaken path and how to remove skill from simple mode not work with me :( , please help me


  • skill_icon_destroyer_0_31.png
    11.1 KB · Views: 7


True Hongmoon
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Đặng Nhật Tín

What Hawk made is exactly what u want just in normal mode i dont get whats the difference by removing LMB from SIMP Mode and having HIS NORMAL MODE addon e.e but oh well , here u go ( didnt test tho )

For some reasing it gives me error when i try to upload it here , so there go link from discord(cuz i uploaded it there) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachme..._EARTH_Judgment_removal_from_SIMP_mode_.patch
Thank you :bnskiss:
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It work perfectly, thank you very much Exora
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