+ Added: Skip/Remove ads with your secret key that you have found
+ Added: Custom splashes now included in BnS Buddy (Artwork by Yevvie)
+ Added: Image dimensions now shown on splash changer after selection
+ Added: A Small check for TLS 1.2 while fetching version
+ Reworked: The icons
+ Reworked: Reposition of the admin check
+ Reworked: Moved splashes to local like addons
+ Reworked: Changed TW's ip for an 100% accurate ping
+ Fixed Bug: Added an additionnal null check for previous sessions
+ Fixed Bug: Opening an invalid bmp file would error out Splash Editor with out of memory error
+ Fixed Bug: Kill Game button would start new session if cancelled multiclient login popup
+ Fixed Bug: The infinite-click decompile/compile/... is now properly fixed
+ Fixed Bug: Subfolders in addons path would cause a file not found error
+ Fixed Bug: BnS Budy would kill all Clients if failed to login(timeout)
+ Fixed Bug: MXM Conflict check wouldn't discard after appearing once
+ Fixed Bug: Using DAT Editor functions with some KR users would spit errors of path not being good
+ Added: A Small check for TLS 1.2 while fetching version and grab update
+ Reworked: The icons
+ Reworked: Reposition of the admin check
+ Fixed Bug: New error msg wasn't displayed properly
+ Fixed Bug: Added a small delay between finalising update and opening buddy