Seems people keep forgetting that you can just disable the skill and it won't cast it at all... i.e. hit k look for smite and comet strike and change the tick on the left hand side of the icon to an x ... also simple mode is a pretty slow rf rotation in this case you're actually better off either using a macro or button mashing r and f while palms are active
Seems people keep forgetting that you can just disable the skill and it won't cast it at all... i.e. hit k look for smite and comet strike and change the tick on the left hand side of the icon to an x ... also simple mode is a pretty slow rf rotation in this case you're actually better off either using a macro or button mashing r and f while palms are active
Realized this and it works for Smite cuz I don't wanna use it at all. But I wanna keep having access to Comet Strike to apply searing stacks. I play fire, so I don't use RF. I like simple mode in fire because it just holds Tiger Strike down and when you don't have enough focus it instantly casts Searing Blow, optimizing the number of Tiger Strikes and Searing Blows.