A mysterious labyrinth of the Naryu, guarded by numerous enemies from previous instances. The Talus Army hopes to excavate the labyrinth for their own gain, while the ruin's riches are guarded in the depths by the automaton Gods of Wind and Thunder.
- "Daojin's Plea" quest after clearing Bloodshade Harbor.
- Air Dash windwalk skill.
- Shadovv: Writer
Naryu Labyrinth consists of three floors with a boss at the end of each floor, containing numerous rooms that randomly lead into another room. Each room contains various mobs of Talus humans, Vultures, Jackals, Ploggle, Yutay, Pot Dog, Bonemask, Undead, Monkey, Sentinel Cores, and Augerites, along with various bosses from previous dungeons including Augerites, Chief Hogdonny, Arctic Beast and Glacial Tortoise, Ape King Ogong, Terracotta Warrior, and Emerald and Azure Lords.
There are multiple varieties of rooms:
- Everything in the room has to be killed to progress.
- A "miniboss" with higher health than the rest of the adds is patrolling the room, and only that miniboss needs to be killed to progress.
- One of the rooms on the first floor containing Manta-Yutay have a gimmick where all the enemies do a charge and bounce around the room causing Aerial and are both immune and ignore defense skills. A bomb that spawns in the room can be thrown at the Manta-Yutay which will despawn any "fakes" and put the miniboss out of hiding. If fast enough, one can drop in, grab a bomb, and throw it at the miniboss before he starts to charge.
- One of the rooms on the first floor containing Manta-Yutay have a gimmick where all the enemies do a charge and bounce around the room causing Aerial and are both immune and ignore defense skills. A bomb that spawns in the room can be thrown at the Manta-Yutay which will despawn any "fakes" and put the miniboss out of hiding. If fast enough, one can drop in, grab a bomb, and throw it at the miniboss before he starts to charge.
- Exclusive to the first floor, there are 16 nodes, one of which opens the door. The rest either spawns Undead or drops a field-wide highly damaging area of effect. Only one node can be switched on at a time.
- Exclusive to the first floor, there is a Wheel of Fate that spawns Bloody Jiangshi, Stalker Jiangshi, Profane Jiangshi, or Plague Mites.
- Long corridors with numerous platforms, with an army of Talus patrolling below. Use windwalking on the platforms to reach the end of the hallway and pull the lever that opens the door, spawns a Dragon Pulse at the bottom, and spawns a red sweeping laser that kills all the Talus on the bottom and also instantly kills players. If everyone has fallen, all the Talus on the bottom must be killed to spawn the Dragon Pulse.
From the second floor onwards, enemy rooms have a sweeping blue laser coming from a random direction that inflicts Stun. Jump over them.
When killing enemies, there is a chance for Treasure Hunter Indy to spawn.
HP: 2,570,000
Enrage: 6:40
CC: 2x
- Staff swing in a cone, inflicts Knockback. Can be CC'd.
- Staff swing upward in a cone inflicting Aerial, then staff swing forward inflicting Knockback. Can be CC'd.
- Rear staff swing in a cone. Can be CC'd.
- Frontal linear Downward chop, inflicts Knockdown. Can be CC'd.
- 2-hit spin, both hits inflict Knockdown. Can be CC'd.
- 5-hit spin with a bit of windup with Knockback on the last hit. Can be CC'd.
- Summons 3 minotaur projections in front of him which shoot outward covering wide and far range.
If the tank stands 9 meters or farther, Minou jumps at them inflicting an area of effect stomp, induces Knockdown.
Periodically, Minou enters a mechanic:
- The four walls at the 12:00, 3:00, 6:00, and 9:00 positions light up red.
- Minou announces "Haha! That tickles!" and gains a defense buff in "Guardian Veil".
- Subsequent mechanic rotations will have him cycle with a different move: Minou announces "Grrrragh!" and does an unblockable area of effect roar, then gains an attack buff in "Automaton Rage".
- If Guardian Veil or Automaton Rage stacks 4 times, Minou enrages.
- Subsequent mechanic rotations will have him cycle with a different move: Minou announces "Grrrragh!" and does an unblockable area of effect roar, then gains an attack buff in "Automaton Rage".
- Minou summons 3 minotaur projections in front of him.
- Minou performs an unblockable charge at a random person up to two times. If he hits a red wall, it will stop the charge, remove his buff, and putting him in Daze for 10 seconds. Blade Dancers, Destroyers, Kung Fu Masters, and Summoners, do not Grab/Phantom Grip/Grapple him right away and let his Daze tick down before grabbing him.
- Subsequent mechanic rotations spawn stun lasers that sweep across the floor. These lasers can simply be jumped over.
- Subsequent mechanic rotations spawn stun lasers that sweep across the floor. These lasers can simply be jumped over.
- Minou announces "Grrrragh!" and does a unblockable area of effect roar, then gains an attack buff in "Automaton Rage".
- Subsequent mechanic rotations will have him cycle with Guardian Veil.
- Subsequent mechanic rotations will have him cycle with Guardian Veil.
- Minou summons multiple rows of minotaurs that charge in a straight line.
On enrage, Minou permanently gains a four-stack Guardian Veil/Automaton Rage buff, making him much harder to kill. Additionally there are much more sweeping lasers to deal with.
Be Ido:
HP: 1,240,000
Enrage: Roughly 7:00 (hidden)
CC: 2x
Accompanying him are Force Masters Adpet Gunwoo, Adept Dokyum, and Adpet Sunghwan. All enemies are Force Masters and are entirely stationary but are immune to Destroyer/Blade Dancer's Grab/Phantom Grip. At 5% of Be Ido’s health, he’ll end the fight and leave.
All enemies have two attacks: a targeted flame/frost projectile, and a linear flame/frost blast. Only the adds will periodically use Phantom Grip to their target close to them.
The adds can be distracted by the following methods:
- Have multiple people distract the adds individually.
- If a Summoner is present, their cat should hit all the adds and then repeatedly use Crouching Tiger.
- If a Blade Master or Warlock is present, they attack Be Ido first to get the adds to aggro them, then stand in a corner and use Block/Quell. If positioned correctly, this puts them out of reach of the other two's Phantom Grip, while they must iframe the Phantom Grip closest to them.
Be Ido then does the following once his shield is removed:
- "You'll never stop me! Haha!" Be Ido declares as he Phantom Grips the tank. On successful grab, he will siphon health and regain a large portion of his health back if it completes. Can be CC'd.
- "Now, this might hurt a bit! Dodge it if you can!" Be Ido and his adds channel a Chi Bomb for a field-wide unblockable area of effect.
- Be Ido does his standard attacks for a little while before regaining his shield.
Be Ido has a hidden enrage timer where once it expires he and his minions all carry the same elemental shield, although he will periodically drop the shield to cast Chi Bomb.
HP: 1,730,000
Enrage: None
CC: 2x
The fight first starts with Fujin alone.
- Frontal 180 degree punch into a frontal linear punch, the latter inducing Knockback and Daze.
- Frontal 180 degree Leg Sweep inducing Knockdown. Can be CC'd.
- Counter. If hit into, he'll induce Stun, and then try to grab the stunned person and smack them around for a bit. The grab can be CC'd.
- Teleports away from the aggro holder, is immune to damage while doing so.
If the tank stands 9 meters or farther, Fujin does a dashing uppercut inducing Daze.
Fujin may randomly perform a 4-hit martial dance combo with each hit inflicting Daze on random people.
If Fujin is Knocked Down, he will do a very fast area of effect spinning wind kick inflicting Knockdown.
At 81%, 61%, 41%, and 21%, he will do the following:
- Fujin creates an area of effect wind gust with a lot of windup inflicting Knockback and Knockback.
- Fujin throws four wind kick projectiles that target random people inflicting Knockback and Knockback.
- At 61%, 41%, and 21%, Fujin throws long-ranged wide rectangular crescent gale inflicting Knockback and Knockdown.
- At 61%, 41%, and 21%, Fujin throws four wind kick projectiles.
- At 41% and 21%, Fujin does a three-hit martial dance combo that rebounds to other people, the first and second hits inflicts Knockback and Daze, and the last hit inflicts Aerial.
Fujin & Raijin:
HP: 1,730,000 each
Enrage: 6:00
CC: 2x
After defeating Fujin, Raijin will appear and resurrect Fujin and heal him back to full health. The final boss of the Labyrinth consists of this deadly pair.
Either boss will immediately enrage if one of them is killed, so ideally they should be taken down together. On reset, both respawn.
Raijin Rotation:
Raijin has an entirely different rotation and all his attacks have a lot of windup.
- Channels lightning in a cone, inflicts Knockback and Knockdown.
- Channels lightning in an area of effect, inflicts Knockback and Knockdown.
- Channels a lightning wall in front of him, inflicts Stun. Unblockable. Can be CC'd.
- Channels a linear lightning blast, inflicts Knockback and Knockdown.
- Channels a linear lightning blast
If his tank stands 9 meters or farther away, Raijin uses Phantom Grip and electrocutes them a few times. Can be CC'd.
If Raijin is Knocked Down, he will do a very fast area of effect lightning area of effect inflicting Knockdown.
After 90%, Fujin periodically spawns a tornado inflicting Aerial and Raijin periodically spawns an electric spark inflicting Stun. Both bounce around the room’s edges, and if the two meet they leave a lightning puddle on the floor.
Periodically every minute, Fujin and Raijin will do a combination attack:
- On the first, third, and fifth times:
- Raijin declares "It's time to be punished!" and prepares a field-wide unblockable area of effect inducing Knockback. This is CC'able. Fujin will still do his standard attacks.
- Raijin and Fujin shout "Destroy!" and Raijin channels electricity into Fujin, who then throws four electric tornadoes at random people inflicting Knockback.
- Raijin shouts "Your life ends here!" and throws an electric bolt at the furthest person from him inflicting Knockback and a bit of damage over time. Fujin throws a crescent gale.
- Raijin declares "It's time to be punished!" and prepares a field-wide unblockable area of effect inducing Knockback. This is CC'able. Fujin will still do his standard attacks.
- On the second and fourth times:
- Raijin declares "It's time to be punished!" and prepares a field-wide unblockable area of effect inducing Knockback.
- Raijin declares "Your life ends here!" and throws an electric bolt at the furthest person from him. Fujin throws wind kick projectiles.
- Raijin channels six unblockable area of effect lightning bolts around him and does this six times. Fujin declares "I will tear you to pieces!" and does his 4-hit martial dance.
- Raijin declares "It's time to be punished!" and prepares a field-wide unblockable area of effect inducing Knockback.
On enrage from the death of their brethren, Fujin/Raijin does a field-wide unblockable area of effect that is not CC'able, and then Fujin does his special attack from his solo phase while Raijin does his standard attacks. After 30 seconds or on enrage from timer, they will repeatedly use their field-wide unblockable area of effect, though by weaving through the attacks it is still possible to kill them through enrage.