basically I'd like to know if it's possible to set an extra casting condition on a skill by editing the code, and how.
Something like: when X skill is casted then Y will be casted right after. Otherwise Y wont get casted.
I tried with setting skill priority but there's the issue that the upper skill (X) is on key-status="unpress" in order to not slow down rotation, but if u put the lower tier skill (Y) on autocast too, whenever it's up gets automatically casted without waiting for (X) skill to get casted.
So I wanted to know if there's a way to arrange it so that X keeps going on autocast, and Y gets autocasted ONLY after X.
(I know I could remove autocast from Y skill, and manually cast it after X, but that's not what I'm looking for; I cant either arrange a macro that'd cast Y after X since they'd be up at diff times and it would just end with Y getting always casted at random times)
Thanks in advance for any possible reply!
basically I'd like to know if it's possible to set an extra casting condition on a skill by editing the code, and how.
Something like: when X skill is casted then Y will be casted right after. Otherwise Y wont get casted.
I tried with setting skill priority but there's the issue that the upper skill (X) is on key-status="unpress" in order to not slow down rotation, but if u put the lower tier skill (Y) on autocast too, whenever it's up gets automatically casted without waiting for (X) skill to get casted.
So I wanted to know if there's a way to arrange it so that X keeps going on autocast, and Y gets autocasted ONLY after X.
(I know I could remove autocast from Y skill, and manually cast it after X, but that's not what I'm looking for; I cant either arrange a macro that'd cast Y after X since they'd be up at diff times and it would just end with Y getting always casted at random times)
Thanks in advance for any possible reply!