This is the kr server. If you install sigbypasser or bnspatch and run the game, the game will not run. When you remove the plug-in from mode, it runs normally. The problem occurs when only the plug-in is installed, so add-on application is not possible. Until the version was updated, we were using the game by applying add-on without any problems.We do not support older versions.
Under extreme situations, I provide older versions at your own risk.
Aditionally, can you explain and show the problem that you have?
I had no issues installing and updating plugins:
View attachment 5222
Thank you. I think the kr server is blocked from add-on. I thought it was a version problem because it was not updated because it was a holiday for 3 days, but after talking to other communities, the kr server seems to have blocked add-on.Version and only differ in how they fetch the plugins.
We do not write the plugins.
However, I'm attaching the version, for you to try it.