This is something I myself needed when playin games like this.!l90CiQRK!GorFEBXTjcvg5xuChjm_UWdzsVDi3RFUVS2CefB5UhA
Before you start asking questions weather modding can get you stuck in places. Reasons why I kept these to myself the past months.
I.E Me leveling around Moonwater (next to that wolf boss w/e it is..) and not being able to jump due to invisible walls all around the field nor could I leave to another area on foot.!l90CiQRK!GorFEBXTjcvg5xuChjm_UWdzsVDi3RFUVS2CefB5UhA
Before you start asking questions weather modding can get you stuck in places. Reasons why I kept these to myself the past months.
I.E Me leveling around Moonwater (next to that wolf boss w/e it is..) and not being able to jump due to invisible walls all around the field nor could I leave to another area on foot.