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Request Addon Summoner Simple Mode Skill removal ?

Joseph Zaki

Hello , Good morning ^_^

i would like to ask for Simple mode add on for summoner with skill removal from the simple mode itself
i need to remove (F) Doom and bloom and Number 1 weed Whack so basically i want to make RMB - LMB - 2 -F (Flying Nettles ) On the simple mode if possible provide me with the summoner skill Numbers for example Weed whack number is 510 so i need to remove it from the simple mode

thanks in advance

Joseph Zaki

I've done it but there is a problem that it disables the skill Comblitliy from my skill set i can't use it manually since my skill set is a sequence i've to use 1 to be able to use F
but i can see 1 but i can't see F in Simplified mode despite that i can see it normal mode

skills i need to see and how i did disable it

Flying Nettles

<!--<condition skill="26310" />-->
<!--<result context-2="26310" context-ui-effect="event" control-mode="bns" />-->
<!--<result context-2="26310" context-ui-effect="event" control-mode="classic" />-->

Barrier patch

<!--<condition skill="26110" />-->
<!--<result context-2="26110" control-mode="bns" />-->
<!--<result context-2="26110" control-mode="classic" />-->
Doom N bloom

<!--<condition skill="26108" />-->
<!--<result context-2="26108" control-mode="bns" />-->
<!--<result context-2="26108" control-mode="classic" />-->
--- Merged ---
Update i've tried every single possible way to un edit and edit again
for example i used

<!--<condition skill="26108" />-->
<!--<result context-2="26108" control-mode="bns" />-->
<!--<result context-2="26108" control-mode="classic" />-->

then : This one will not include the skill in the rmb
<condition skill="26108" />
<!--<result context-2="26108" control-mode="bns" />-->
<!--<result context-2="26108" control-mode="classic" />-->

this Case : still not in RMB and there is no F Skill Too
<!--<condition skill="26108" />-->
<result context-2="26108" control-mode="bns" />
<!--<result context-2="26108" control-mode="classic" />-->
Case 3 : wiill show up the skill In RMB
<!--<condition skill="26108" />-->
<!--<result context-2="26108" control-mode="bns" />-->
<result context-2="26108" control-mode="classic" />

What do i need to do to exclude out the 2 f skills and can use them and at the same time i will be able to use only RMB+LMB+2 on my Simplified mode Aka RMB holding only
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Staff member
So, you want to remove a skill and still be able to use it?

I'm sorry, but I'm confused.

Joseph Zaki

the idea of removing out a skill out of the Simplified mode to use it manually but if you disable the skill from the mode and you can't use it , I can't see the use of doing it ,cuz if i disable the Flying nettle and doom n bloom (F) Skill in normal mode i can't use them manually in Simplified mode !


Staff member
The idea is to remove the skill from the rotation in Simple Mode.

You can use it normally.

I've removed X and V from the rotation, but can use them by pressing X and V.

Joseph Zaki

Exactly, and when i remove F from the rotation i can't use it normally is the F is a special case for summoner ? that's what im trying to say for ages :D


Staff member
If it is a special case, depends.

For blade dancer, instead of Lightning Flash being on F, it moved to RMB.

Maybe you should keep that skill there?
I know absolutely nothing about summoners, and I've seen that someone in the #modding channel advanced quite a lot in regards of changing the skills for summoner.

You should ask there, since my knowledge is pretty limited.
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