1ms on autorepeat is faster than the standard windows repeat (31 keystrokes per second) thats about an autorepeat delay of +-32ms)
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I'm not real sure exactly what goes on here, but this is what I think except for the auto-repeat delay which is documented in the XMBC user guide as being the time between sending
*groups* of characters. There is also, under the main settings (bottom left button under app profiles), under the advanced tab, a delay time between keypresses:
1) So you can input a bunch of keys faster than normal windows -- but *how many*?
2) How fast those keys get entered is also going to be based on the "Delay between simulated keystrokes" on the Advanced tab. If your delay there is 100ms, you will get 10 keys/second, with another batch being repeated in 1ms. What you *may* want is reducing the delay between simulated keystrokes to get faster than MS's dflt repeat rate (<32ms), maybe 20, or 10 or 5? but at some point, something may think that too low of a delay might be "noise" -- I don't know. But certainly you probably want your "group delay" to be higher than your inter-key delay?
3) you have your setup to keep sending the group every 1ms until you press the button again. Doesn't it make more sense to have it behave more "naturally" -- i.e. if you want it to repeat, then use the "repeatedly, while the button is down". That way it will repeat until you let go of the button, or, alternatively, it will keep repeating as long as you hold the button down.
The reason I think it is better to have a tighter control and have it stop, by default, when you let go, is that from your mouse to the server there is only a buffer for some "fixed number" of keypresses. Lets say that number is 100, that means in your setup, when you hit the button again it will stop filling the buffer, but then the game will play out the keys in the buffer and you won't be able to stop it. I've had it happen that when I took my finger off they button -- it kept on doing the key sequence for a short while afterwards -- not something I wanted. Second reason -- suppose that buffer is only 5 keys. If you feed it too fast, it may drop some of your keys -- which may or may not be important (if some keys need to follow others to have correct effect).
One more thing to think about -- if your ping is 100ms, then sending a set of keys every 1 ms, seems like overkill -- how many keys will be sent before you see all of their effects?
I certainly don't know, but just things to think about...