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Remove Skills from Simple Mode for Summoner


Here are two addons to remove some skills from simple mode for summoner.
There is one for Doom 'n' Bloom and Flying Nettles and another one for Thorn Strike\Vine Whip.
There is a single addon to remove Doom 'n' Bloom and Flying Nettles because in simple mode Doom 'n' Bloom have priority over Flying Nettles, so I did something to fix that.
Let me know if you have any issue

SM-SUM-Remove-Doom.patch - place doom 'n' bloom back to F
SM-SUM-Remove-Nettles.patch - place Flying Nettles back to F
SM-SUM-Remove-Doom_v2.patch - remove Doom 'n' Bloom from context 3
SM-SUM-Remove-Nettles_v2.patch - remove Flying Nettles from context 3
SM-SUM-zAdd-NettlesDoom.patch - add Flying Nettles and Doom 'n' Bloom to F in the correct order


  • SM-SUM-Remove-NettlesDoom.patch
    1.7 KB · Views: 329
  • SM-SUM-Remove-Thorn.patch
    1 KB · Views: 251
Last edited:


Hey friendo, Do you perhaps have a discord! I would love to ask some questions over your addon~


Mine is Kuro#1452


I updated my files.
There is nothing wrong with the old ones, I just felt like having tree files to remove doom 'n' bloom and flying nettles and correct their order was kind of messy.


Here are two addons to remove some skills from simple mode for summoner.
There is one for Doom 'n' Bloom and Flying Nettles and another one for Thorn Strike\Vine Whip.
There is a single addon to remove Doom 'n' Bloom and Flying Nettles because in simple mode Doom 'n' Bloom have priority over Flying Nettles, so I did something to fix that.
Let me know if you have any issue

SM-SUM-Remove-Doom.patch - place doom 'n' bloom back to F
SM-SUM-Remove-Nettles.patch - place Flying Nettles back to F
SM-SUM-Remove-Doom_v2.patch - remove Doom 'n' Bloom from context 3
SM-SUM-Remove-Nettles_v2.patch - remove Flying Nettles from context 3
SM-SUM-zAdd-NettlesDoom.patch - add Flying Nettles and Doom 'n' Bloom to F in the correct order

Hi, I love your addon, it's really good. Do you think it's possible to add LMB RMB before the 2 and make it so that there is no IF command involved to maximise DPS? Basically, your addon removes the nettles and DnB, as you said, so it does 2222 and 1 as well as LB RB when 2 is not up. What I mean to say is, is it possible to make it also spam LB RB even while 2 is still up?


i love no have d'n'b on simple mode, but i want Flying Nettles on it
u can tell me or u can do this addon??
plz :3


Bamboo Warrior
There you go removed doom n bloom, while the flying nettles in the simple mode


  • SM-SUM-Remove-Doom.patch
    1.2 KB · Views: 124


i tried to do that once but after i removed d'n bloom and flying nettels to do im manually i can't see the F key to press them did u fix that out ?


@conandoyle01 , to remove a skill from simple mode you can remove the line or use "<!--" and " -->" on your addon. To switch keys you can replace (context-1; context-2; context-3; skillbar-1 to 8; special-1; special-2) to the key you want to use.
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