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Addon Goodbye DPS Boosting Mod

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Bamboo Warrior
READ THIS POST ONLY. READING EVERYTHING ON EVERY PAGE WILL ONLY HURT YOURSELF. There is no mod that can affect DPS now. The following is just quality of life changes.

I had been away for a while and when I got back I discovered they removed <option name="pending-key-tick-time" value="0.25" /> from the XML. I figure maybe they synced it to GCD or latency, which would be the equivalent of setting it to 0. There is no longer any client side input throttling. That's great. However, changing the other settings can still be beneficial.

<option name="pending-time" value="0.300000" /> I used to think this was a queue for keystrokes/clicks. After playing with it while monitoring network traffic, I now believe this controls the rate those packets are transmitted.

<option name="pressed-key-tick-time" value="0.25" /> This line tells the client that a keystroke or click will last x amount of time regardless of how long you hold it. If you set it to 0, you will basically be rapid-firing that button, but will cause interaction issues.

<option name="ignore-mouse-press-time" value="1.000000" /> This line tells the client to ignore mouse clicks shorter than x amount of time??? I put question marks because it seems to only do this arbitrarily. I notice it when starting an attack run and with FM with constantly alternating LMB RMB cycles. I blame this setting for when clicks fail to launch or I stop attacking randomly.

I put together a mod with good all around settings. It made for smoother mashing/less snapshotting as it sends out more, smaller packets vs 1 large packet every 300ms.


  • InputPacketRateMod.patch
    653 bytes · Views: 1,646
Last edited:


Bamboo Warrior
Okay. So, here's my worry. Is this bannable, and even if it isn't, how long would it be before they just patched it out?

Anyway, I don't know how to make mods, but these are the lines I edited in xml64.dat/client.config2.xml

<option name="pending-time" value="0" />
<option name="pending-key-tick-time" value="0" />
<option name="pressed-key-tick-time" value="0" />
<option name="charge-key-tick-time" value="0" />
<option name="ignore-mouse-press-time" value="0" />

They control how quickly the client will respond to input, including it's own when using Simple Mode. With their default values, the client would wait 250ms before acknowledging an input. I'm not 100% sure what the pending values mean, my guess it would queue up a button push if it was too soon after another, but leaving them and changing the others would result is chaotic attack intervals. With everything 0s, you don't get stuck in animations. You can push anything when it's available. Attacks go out in seamless streams. The only controlling factor is cooldowns. My ping fluctuates rapidly between 130 and 200. Doesn't matter anymore.


I doubt its bannable, sounds similar imo to the gcd stuff, if its editable and xigncode doesnt care it seems like fair game to me.


Bamboo Warrior
Also, there's these 2 lines in the same area

<option name="process-key-when-skill-finish" value="true" />
<option name="use-recommend-key" value="true" />

Changing those to false resulted in attacks slowing down and speeding up weirdly.


Bamboo Warrior
I don't know how to make it into an addon. I changed it using BnSBuddy though.


ah ok. im working on making it into an addon rn.
--- Merged ---
Also, there's these 2 lines in the same area

<option name="process-key-when-skill-finish" value="true" />
<option name="use-recommend-key" value="true" />

Changing those to false resulted in attacks slowing down and speeding up weirdly.
we change this also?


So, here it is. Havent tested it yet.


  • Attack Delay Removal TEST.patch
    692 bytes · Views: 919


Bamboo Warrior
So, here it is. Havent tested it yet.
I remembered something that's a bit of a down side. You can interrupt yourself looting chests or quest items, anything with a timer really if you hold the action key too long. Quick taps. Lol


im noticing marginal improvements, i think lower ping players would get more out of this.
--- Merged ---
Or maybe its because im playing warrior


Staff member
Fuck we break the game more every day and I love it.

This is actually pretty old knowledge.
I've used some of those XML lines before, and some felt like they caused issues.

I actually stopped using this so I could test some issues with skills not triggering at all.
I can share my addon later on, but, I don't advise the use of it.
Instead of 0, i have all values at 0.1.

16 inches of Chi

Sand Warrior
This is actually pretty old knowledge.
I've used some of those XML lines before, and some felt like they caused issues.

I actually stopped using this so I could test some issues with skills not triggering at all.
I can share my addon later on, but, I don't advise the use of it.
Instead of 0, i have all values at 0.1.
Never seen it before so I assumed people went code diving again.


Staff member
Never seen it before so I assumed people went code diving again.

People did, and people do code diving into the xml files.
(That's how we've figured out how simple mode works and all that good stuff like editing skills)

All of those values have been known for quite a bit.
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