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Frontier Server KR Glitch?


Bamboo Warrior
Hi, so I don't know if this is the right place to post this (if not just move my thread to the correct section) but I found a really weird glitch on the Frontier Server. In fact, I don't even know if this is a glitch or not but it's a bit of a wtf moment. I was wondering if any Korean players or anybody that has the Frontier client and a Korean account can tell me what's happening here.

So I recorded my character just running around, walking, emoting etc. But there is a strange glitch with the characters legs, like her legs are having a seizure or something. This occurs just by running straight forward and backward but not walking slowly, yet still occurs when doing emotes such as dancing.
I have watched some Frontier videos on youtube before, but none of them seem like they had this weird seizure bug. Funnily enough, this doesn't happen on a Gon female character, only Jin characters. No mods were used at all here (not that it's possible at this stage anyways with the xml hash check shutdown and stuff especially for frontier server). And it isn't a video rendering issue either because it's consistent when I am playing it as well as the video been locked to 60 fps. It's really weird because this has never happened before in the retail KR server.

Hnet-image.gif Hnet-image (1).gif

Here is the full video so you can see it properly, https://mega.nz/file/2QNhnKwJ#NKM8j0Y26pmlvzRXsFuQeOaVjOn4NJRmYnt3IwVnDzg


I really wouldn't be surprised about this seeing full well 1-45 content itself is buggy and you can CLEARLY see things you should never see such as default UE 4 textures in the background in a lot of places.
I'm sure they aint worried about this.
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Bamboo Warrior
True enough it's not a big deal, but it definitely looks hilarious from a visual perspective because your character is basically running around with muscle spasms or leg cramps on a whole new level lol. It seems like a collision detection issue between the character and the ground but i'm not so sure. The real question is why other people's gameplay videos doesn't have this issue as far as I can see. Could have just bugged out in a recent update or something but i don't know. And I guess this whole UE 4 'upgrade' is the meme that everyone is so eager to wait for xD.
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