Generic Name 002
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but you can swap it with any outfit you want if you know how
There is the "one click" tool that some people use. It used to be up on the dojo but that site ended. But I prefer hex editing because it is relatively simple and doesnt require you to download a bunch of shady programs.
To swap using hex edits you just need a hex editor (ex: Hex workshop) and then follow this video.
No offence to the uploader or anything but while the tutorial seems a bit straightforward, its especially hard to pick up what shes saying, doing or explaining given the quality and format of the presentation. By chance do you have a more detailed or rather cleaner step by step process?
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Nvm. I found a video that laid it out clearly. What they ended up doing though was replacing the skeleton and material of the outfit they owned, with the skeleton and material of the outfit they modded in. Anyway, I was pointed in the right direction and it yielded results with further checking and troubleshooting. Thanks, I think I'll rather hex editing method.
Can you show me the video you saw? I having trouble understanding this video, also.