Currently there's an issue where normal Honed Slash takes higher priority over Awakened Honed Slash
Please refrain from using the addons until further notice
I've made 2 main addons for Lighting Blade Master
BM custom Simple mode is for complete lazy people (rmb will do almost everything for you) but you will also need Rapid Key Press to make it work (around 90% Speed)
Demo :
Alternative :
BM custom Simple mode (Semi Auto) for extra speed (similar to the 1st one, but you need to lmb rmb on your own (or simply macro it)
Explain : The 1st File is to readjust skill sequence into the correct order
Rapid Key Press will make Simple mode (and other 1 button spam) spam faster
and the "Semi Auto" will remove Bleeding Edge and Sundering Sword from rmb, and put them on lmb
Please refrain from using the addons until further notice
I've made 2 main addons for Lighting Blade Master
BM custom Simple mode is for complete lazy people (rmb will do almost everything for you) but you will also need Rapid Key Press to make it work (around 90% Speed)
Demo :
Alternative :
BM custom Simple mode (Semi Auto) for extra speed (similar to the 1st one, but you need to lmb rmb on your own (or simply macro it)
Explain : The 1st File is to readjust skill sequence into the correct order
Rapid Key Press will make Simple mode (and other 1 button spam) spam faster
and the "Semi Auto" will remove Bleeding Edge and Sundering Sword from rmb, and put them on lmb
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