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Blade Master : Simple Mode FIX (Lighting)


Currently there's an issue where normal Honed Slash takes higher priority over Awakened Honed Slash
Please refrain from using the addons until further notice

I've made 2 main addons for Lighting Blade Master
BM custom Simple mode is for complete lazy people (rmb will do almost everything for you) but you will also need Rapid Key Press to make it work (around 90% Speed)
Demo :
Alternative :
BM custom Simple mode (Semi Auto) for extra speed (similar to the 1st one, but you need to lmb rmb on your own (or simply macro it)

Explain : The 1st File is to readjust skill sequence into the correct order
Rapid Key Press will make Simple mode (and other 1 button spam) spam faster
and the "Semi Auto" will remove Bleeding Edge and Sundering Sword from rmb, and put them on lmb


  • BM custom Simple mode.patch
    3.3 KB · Views: 535
  • BM custom Simple mode (Semi Auto).patch
    3.7 KB · Views: 401
  • Rapid Key Press.patch
    221 bytes · Views: 621
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What does rapid key press do exactly?

And does this simple mode version anicancel lmb rmb or same speed as the previous fix for simple mode?
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What does rapid key press do exactly?

And does this simple mode version anicancel lmb rmb or same speed as the previous fix for simple mode?

I have added some descriptions to the files :)
and no, the anicancel will not be as perfect as manual or macro, sadly
good news is that its pretty close


tested, and its really good. Thx!:bnspassion::bnsthumbsup:

U optimized simple mode and remade this the way was supose to be, better work than NCWest. hpoe someday we can do this for most of classes.


This addon fucks up my other alt (fire BM), how can I fix it?
Edited: nevermind, any other shit is screwing my flock of blade rotation in simple mode. This is weird


skills from others specializations dont have same ID number, so lightning (singing blade) dont have same ID for fire (Spirit sword) and addon only change lightning skills for fire someone already did addon.

PS: u can use 2 addons if it for another specs. like i using warden addon for ice and another addon for lightning specs at same time.


If i use BM custom Simple mode (Semi Auto), my honed slash rests on top of awakened honed slash.
How to solve this problem?
it seems the simple mode itself is the cause
i have tried it on some other classes as well
it could be the reason why they made simple mode so slow that it have enough time to notice its mistake and cover it up with SB skill
so the solution will be.... applying this addon on the normal mode... sadly. but if you do so you will have some issue in pvp contents
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hey i try this file today , wont work with me
it's need to make simple mood on or off ?


hi Wat, thank you for you addons. It work really good. but could you change Lightning Draw (4) to RMB or LMB? I want to use macro for this skill but I'm afraid of clicking (4) accidentally when I died


hi Wat, thank you for you addons. It work really good. but could you change Lightning Draw (4) to RMB or LMB? I want to use macro for this skill but I'm afraid of clicking (4) accidentally when I died
Its possible. but I'm currently retired.
However, i suggest against adding 4 or C to simple mode, as you want to use it when it counts.


Bamboo Warrior
does this addon mixes the already existing simple mode with the modded skills you made?
like if i use this for normal mode, will it be missing something which is in simple mode and not added in this addon? or does it cover all simple mode so that by moving the addon to normal it will have it all... this seems weird or incoherent for you to understand but in short, i would like to use the full modded simple mode in normal mode like patching the simple mode and porting it to normal mode
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