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Search results

  1. Kaamau

    Splash NSFW Custom splashes (ON HOLD, includes NSFW)

    Looks good to me, tho, I only posted so many to give you options :bnsthumbsup:
  2. Kaamau

    Splash NSFW Custom splashes (ON HOLD, includes NSFW)

    After some research that totally didn't include going to my pixiv follows: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=29530743 https://sketch.pixiv.net/items/6455208025134465407 https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=52886118...
  3. Kaamau

    Splash NSFW Custom splashes (ON HOLD, includes NSFW)

    Oh! Oh! Oh! How about an NSFW Hatsune Miku splash, for research purposes I assure you. :bnsplease:
  4. Kaamau

    Splash NSFW NekoSplash :>

    Thanks :D
  5. Kaamau

    Splash NSFW NekoSplash :>

    Really like it!! but do you have a cut out of just the logo that you used? I'm trying to make my own splash, but I'm not good enough to get the logo that clean.
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