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  1. Other [TOOL] Takku's Character Effect+Animation Remover v1.3.2 (Updated October 3rd, 2020)

    Ye well im not renaming but instead replacing it with the ones i previously prepared. In any case thanks for the tool again.
  2. Other [TOOL] Takku's Character Effect+Animation Remover v1.3.2 (Updated October 3rd, 2020)

    Hey! thanks for the tool i find it really useful :bnsshy: just wanted to leave here a suggestion since i think it would improve the functionality of the tool. Would be nice if we can have different "settings" files (settings, settings2 etc, for example), to customize them and use one or another...
  3. Addon Archer Windpiercer Stormbolt instant cast

    Ncsoft not caring and not banning you doesn't mean its ok to do it btw, thats literally cheating to get advantages and you do that even in pvp, and the worst part is yall dont even seem to be ashamed of that shit xD i mean, no wonder this game is full of shit, the playerbase itself is trash as...
  4. Other [TOOL][JAVA] Character Effect Remover v1.0.8 [Update:04/10/2020]

    Effect remover doesnt remove the fire kfm mystic badge incineration fx, is it possible to add it? And i dont have the tremor+badge remove mod installed btw, in fact if i install it after having moved the upks with effect remover, i see some skill effects, i guess its because of what you said on...
  5. How to How to transfer the look of a suit to a suit

    is it possible to convert lantern earrings to cat ears headband? ---> i tried with bnsmodtool but this was the result Also tried editing with hex editor myself but its not working either, i dont know if its because im not doing it properly or it just cant be done :bnstired:
  6. Addon Kungfu Master [KFM NORMAL / SIMP MODE CHANGES]

    Just sharing an addon that i made for myself to swap 2 and rmb on normal mode fire kfm in case anyone finds it useful. I for sure do, its much easier to move while attacking pressing rmb instead of 2 and i dont like simple mode :bnsphew: Edit: also fixed a bug that was making dragon claw appear...
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