The Blackram Eastern Fleet has been completely overrun by the Ebondrake Phantom Cultists, who plot to twist and corrupt their captives with Dark Chi. Realizing she can't fight the threat alone, Vice Admiral Poharan seeks your help to drive back the threat and free her grandfather, Admiral Hae Mujin, and the rest of their fleet from corruption.
- Act IV, Chapter 31: Relics of the Past
- Block/Counter/Parry/Deflect skill for the final boss
- (Sealed) Taikhan's Skin - Mainstream Legendary Baleful/Seraph Stage 4-5-6 upgrade material
- Offal of Silence - Unlocks a Hongmoon Skill
- Twisted Soul Shield 7 and 8
- Shadovv: Writer
- Praetor19 Silent Pirate Ship Showcase
- AeonWcs Shattered Mast Guide
There is a daily quest that asks to kill 15 of the Ebondrake Phantoms that appear in the corridors. 11 appear in the first corridor and 10 appear in the second.
Heading down to the dock, there are four Force Master Illusionists that have captured Vice Admiral Poharan. Once they are dead, the four Twisted Blackram minibosses (Assassin Head Enforcer Gwiparan or Navigator Gar Lee, Blade Master Captain Sahun or Commander Bi Mujak, Force Master Boatswain Jangrurn or Guard Captain Genso, and Defense Captain Aeji), will awaken one-by-one within 30 seconds of each other. Once the four Twisted Blackram are defeated, Poharan becomes unsealed and blasts open the locked door ahead before leaving.
Head into the ship and kill the Ebondrake Phantoms within. Inside the hull are a pair of Twisted Blackram Destroyers; Quartermaster Lapup and Artillery Officer Bomsiwa. Once the two are defeated, the four Ebondrake Fiends meditating in the room, Destroyer Huemaka, Blade Master Huemagi, Kung Fu Master Huemanku, and the miniboss Force Master Nightshade Illusionist, will awaken. Only the Nightshade Illusionist needs to be defeated to progress, which will despawn the rest the monsters.
Head up the stairs, kill past the two Ebondrake Phantoms, and arrive at the end of the ship. Glide across the wreckage to reach the other ship, but be careful not to fall into the water below or you'll meet an early grave.
Widow Monstrosities:
HP: 3,360,000 each
Enrage: 6:00
CC: 2x
Both start curled up and can be CC'd when the fight starts in their uncurl animation.
Instead of using their Kung Fu Master and Force Master attacks in Bloodshade Harbor, both fight similarly to the Tetralisk Queen from Lair of the Frozen Fang.
Cobalt Monstrosity Bulah's Rotation:
- Frontal linear tail slam inflicting knockdown, blockable.
- Targeted punch, blockable.
- 3-hit area of effect spins, each hit causing knockback and knockdown, blockable.
- Long range wide cone frost spray, unblockable.
- Frontal tail slam.
- Area of effect frost explosion causing knockback and knockdown, unblockable.
Scarlet Monstrosity Rotah’s Rotation:
- Frontal linear flamethrower, unblockable.
- Targeted punch, blockable.
- Frontal tail slam causing knockdown, blockable.
- Double frontal tail slam causing knockdown, faster than the previous attack, blockable.
- 3-hit area of effect spin, each hit causing knockback and knockdown, blockable.
- Two frontal flame bursts, each hit causing knockback and knockdown, blockable.
If the tank stands 9 meters or further away, the boss will charge at them, causing knockback and knockdown.
Demonic Flowers:
Every 20% of their health, either boss will do a mechanic:
Cobalt’s Blue Demonic Flowers:
- A message warns “Cobalt Monstrosity’s Blue Demonic Flowers have appeared” and Cobalt will do a summon animation, cleansing all debuffs in the process. Three Blue Demonic Flowers are summoned on the opposite end of her spawn point. Running into them will remove them and grant "Blue Snake Energy" for 60 seconds, which resets Cobalt's aggro and ignores Scarlet's "Red Snake Power" damage reflection. Stacks up to three times, but taking four stacks produces "Blue Snake Demonification" which locks down the player in an inescapable bind and does extremely high damage over time for 10 seconds.
- Cobalt fires four frost projectiles at the furthest person from her, leaving a frost puddle that builds Chill.
- Cobalt curls up for a few seconds, gaining “Blue Snake Protection” for 30 seconds which reflects damage back to her attacker. While curled up she cleanses all debuffs and is immune to debuffs.
- After uncurling, Cobalt will attempt to absorb any leftover Blue Demonic Flowers, healing 10% of her health per flower.
Scarlet’s Red Demonic Flowers:
- A message warns “Scarlet Monstrosity’s Red Demonic Flowers have appeared” and Scarlet will do a summon animation, cleansing all debuffs in the process. Three Red Demonic Flowers are summoned on the opposite end of her spawn point. Running into them will remove them and grant "Red Snake Energy" for 60 seconds, which resets Scarlet's aggro and ignores Cobalt's "Blue Snake Power" damage reflection. Stacks up to three times, but taking four stacks produces "Blue Snake Demonification" which locks down the player in an inescapable bind and does extremely high damage over time for 10 seconds.
- Scarlet curls up for a few seconds, gaining “Red Snake Protection” for 30 seconds which reflects damage back to her attacker. While curled up she cleanses all debuffs and is immune to debuffs.
- After uncurling, Scarlet charges at the furthest person from her and does a four-hit punch combo with each hit causing airborne, and hits can chain to nearby players. All hits are blockable.
- Scarlet slides behind her tank.
- Scarlet attempts to absorb any leftover Red Demonic Flowers, healing 10% of her health per flower.
Each player should take at least 1 flower on their end, and on 3 stacks takes the other flower and switches to the other boss.
If either of the bosses reach 1% health, they will enter a chi recovery state for 50 seconds and become immune to further attacks. Absorbing Demonic Flowers in this state does nothing. If this succeeds, they will regain 40% of her health and come back to the fight. This can be prevented by killing the remaining boss.
There are two sets of four Illusionists. Killing the set on the left spawns the miniboss Destroyer Axe Ebonfiend while the set on the left spawns the Kung Fu Master Striker Ebonfiend.
In the next room are another pair of Illusionists, which when attacked will awaken another miniboss, Gatekeeper Slashimi from Blackram Supply Chain, with the exact same attacks and mechanics. In addition to his dive, he will also summon eight self-destructing Fiends from the corners of the room.
Slashimi's defeat will spawn a Dragon Pulse which leads to the final set of minibosses: a pair of Python Phantoms.
Only the Illusionists count for the aforementioned 15 Ebondrake Phantom kill quest.
HP: 4,140,000
Enrage: 6:00
CC: 2x
Roah & Tama:
HP: 659,000 each
This boss is accompanied by two adds, and will respawn if the boss resets. Both adds should be killed immediately before focusing on the main boss.
All three enemies fight identically to The Devourer of Blackram Narrows.
- Frontal 180 degree staff swing, blockable.
- Frontal staff swing.
- Two area of effect spins, causing knockback and knockdown, blockable.
- Kuwajin throws AoE projectiles at the aggro holder.
- Roah and Tama will cast Phantom Grip at the tank, holding them briefly before dropping and dazing them. If the grip is avoided and the tank is still too far, they will jump at them, causing an unblockable area of effect impact on landing that will knockback and knockdown.
Flying Slam:
After about 25 seconds, a message warns “Roah/Tama uses Flying Slam” and they will cast an unblockable area of effect shout knockback and knockdown, followed by two unblockable area of effect jumps on the furthest person from them while re-targeting for each jump.
Fiends 75%/50%/25%:
When Kuwajin reaches these HP thresholds, he will do a mechanic. If Roah and Tama have not been killed before Kuwajin reaches 75% health, they will enrage and wipe the party.
- Eight Fiends are summoned in two groups of four from any of the four corners of the room, indicated by the Black Pillar icon that will appear on the minimap when the fiends are summoned. At the same time, Kuwajin will do an unblockable area of effect shout.
- Kuwajin jumps to the furthest person from him, causing an unblockable area of effect impact on landing. He will do this two times in total while re-targeting for each jump.
- Kuwajin jumps to the middle.
- Any remaining Fiends will transform into Blood Fiends, which have higher HP and throw ranged area of effect attacks.
HP: 8,090,000
Enrage: 5:10
CC: 2x
Despite being a demonification of Hae Mujin of Bloodshade Harbor, Taikhan follows a completely different attack pattern.
- One of the following:
- Double frontal 180 degree arm swings, blockable
- Frontal 180 degree left arm swing, then a frontal 180 degree right arm swing, then a frontal linear downward slam, blockable.
- Double frontal 180 degree arm swings, blockable
- Curls its arms around itself and spreads them outward in a single spin, inflicts knockback and knockdown, blockable.
- One of the following:
- Double arm swing.
- Left arm swing, right arm swing, linear downward slam. blockable.
- Double arm swing.
- One of the following:
- Spits a linear water spray, unblockable.
- Grabs the tank, spins them around a bit, then throws them, resulting in a large reduction in threat. Unblockable. Can be CC’d to save the tank.
- Spits a linear water spray, unblockable.
If the tank stands 9 meters or further away, Taikhan will jump at them creating an unblockable impact on landing that causes knockback and knockdown. If they are still too far, Taikhan casts an unblockable Phantom Grip on them and then slams them into the ground.
Corrupted Water 80%/60%:
- A message warns “Taikhan is making thorns out of its body” and Taikhan wraps its arms around itself and creates thorns around it, cleansing all debuffs once it completes.
- A message warns “Taikhan uses Corrupted Water” and Taikhan throws a large ball of water into one of the four corners in the room chosen at random. When the ball lands, the entire room, except for the spot where the ball landed, is coated in a poisonous film that applies the "Corrupted Water Effect" debuff that deals around 1,500-2,500 damage over time per seconds. It stacks up to 99 times, but doesn’t deal increasing damage from stacking.
- Taikhan jumps to three players, creating an unblockable area of effect impact on landing, starting with the first person to attack him since engaging and ending with the third.
- Taikhan jumps to the area opposite of the non-flooded spot, then throws four projectiles at random party members. All projectiles are blockable.
- The Corrupted Water film disappears and Taikhan gains a permanent stack of “Enhanced Attack Power” increasing its damage including the Corrupted Water Effect debuff and stacks 99 times. It then charges toward the tank, and should be stopped with a block, counter, parry, or deflect skill. On successful block, everyone permanently gains a stack of "HP Bonus" which increases max health by 100% and stacks 99 times but prevents the usage of potions, as well as a 6 second "Recovery Rate Bonus" which increases recovery rate by 100%. Drink a potion before the first block to top off your health.
- A message warns “Taikhan uses Sea Thorn Explosion” and Taikhan jumps to the middle and casts a field-wide unblockable area of effect water explosion that detonates Corrupted Water stacks, dealing a significant amount of damage based on the number of debuff stacks if not iframed.
Corrupted Water 40%:
At 40%, Taikhan permanently gains thorns. It will then repeat the 80%/60% mechanic, but without the Sea Thorn Explosion.
Taikhan’s Husk:
At 3% of its health, Taikhan jumps to the middle and ends the fight. Hae Mujin is then freed and separated from the beast leaving only Taikhan's Husk with 144,000 HP and no longer poses any real threat.
Beware if you allow Hae Mujin to defeat Taikhan’s Husk without hitting it at least once, you will not gain any loot nor complete any quests.