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Modded BnS folder creator


I've made a script to copy the official BnS content folder to a second one but including mods to keep official installation untouched.
The script creates junctions and hardware links mixing your "Mods" folder with the official BnS contents folder. So, you just have to configure BnS Buddy to point to the new modded BnS folder to do your things, patch xml, keeping the original installation untouched.

How it works?
By default, the script is configured to work as below:
- You have pasted the script and the "Mods" folder into the BnS content folder, where there are "bin", "bin64" and "contents" folders.
- You add your mods into "Mods" folder, respecting the folder tree structure of BnS (you will noticed that "bin, "bin64" and "contents" exist into the "Mods" folder, as the original installation folder).
- You start the script and wait for its magic. You will find a new folder, "Modded_Client", which is a mix between your mods and official content.
- Configure BnS Buddy's game custom path to "Modded_Client" instead of official client. You can now patch and do your ritual and human sacrifices as you did before this script exists.
- You want to update a mod? Replace or add you new mod in "Mods" folder, then restart the script. The updating process will be quicker than creating a new "Modded_Client" from scratch.
- You have updated your game client? Delete "Modded_Client" (Shift + Delete) and recreate it.

If everything works*, you have this in your official BnS folder:
- "bin" <- official content
- "bin64" <- official content
- "contents" <- official content
- "Modded_Client" <- the new modded BnS folder
- "Mods" <- where you store your mods
- "Modded BnS folder creator.cmd" <- the script

*If it doesn't work, maybe you need admin elevation to get it working.

Why this script?
I don't really know. I didn't want my official BnS content folder to be NCSofted** by mods, and I can check the authenticity of the installation with the official updater, as the original installation remains untouched. Perfection is satisfying.
Furthermore, as the official installation is untouched, updates and full checks will be quicker. Save you bandwidth consumption, save the world.

**NCSofted means "f*cked up"

What is the weight impact of this "copy" in my HDD or SSD?
It's not a real copy, it's junctions and hardlinks, meaning that the "Modded_Client" doesn't really take up place in your drive. Save your space, save the time, save the world.

Is it possible to change "Mods" and "Modded_Client" paths?
Open the script with notepad, go to the variables part (lines 10, 11, 12).
You'll find AppInstallationPath which is where you BnS client is installed, ModsPath where your mods are stored and ModdedClientPath where your new modded BnS client is created. %CurrentDir% is a variable that means where you script is located.

Where is my umbrella?
You want the script? It's attached to the post.
VirusTotal: www.virustotal.com/en/file/8ae53f42e1c7e245ecee48e62a2907ea3cc2383a9d08c19ae8d5f8ae8eff45aa/analysis/1534071826/

:bnslollipop: Any suggestion is greatly appreciated! :bnslollipop:


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Staff member
I'm sorry, but what is the difference between this and the modding tools provided by BnSBuddy?

The folder "BnS\contents\Local\NCWEST\ENGLISH\CookedPC\mod" isn't overwritten by the updater, and it isnt touched at all.
Wtih BnSBuddy, the files are placed in "BnS\contents\Local\NCWEST\ENGLISH\CookedPC_Mod", inside their sub-folder and copied over to the "CookedPC\mod" folder.

If it happens that a mod was removed without your knowledge, just re-apply the mod
I'm sorry, but I really don't get how this script will help me (or anyone that uses it).

This script is all about "not touching the original installation", which BnSBuddy doesn't do for mods.
Or any other mods applied by people.

I'm so confused with this....


It's just another way to mod BnS. It's maybe more "universal" than BnS Buddy: any modded file (not only CookedPC files) doesn't affect original installation. You can add ReShade, patch XIGNCODE, patch XML or anything you like without touching to the original installation.

I understand why you're confused. If BnS Buddy is enough for you, this script is not for you. Keep in mind that is just another way to mod BnS that is compatible with BnS Buddy and will maybe add features in near future. First feature will be the ability to start the game with official launcher, without being admin elevated.


Staff member
It's just another way to mod BnS. It's maybe more "universal" than BnS Buddy: any modded file (not only CookedPC files) doesn't affect original installation. You can add ReShade, patch XIGNCODE, patch XML or anything you like without touching to the original installation.

I understand why you're confused. If BnS Buddy is enough for you, this script is not for you. Keep in mind that is just another way to mod BnS that is compatible with BnS Buddy and will maybe add features in near future. First feature will be the ability to start the game with official launcher, without being admin elevated.

I'm confused cause I can't see how this will help anyone since you can't mod without touching the Cooked_PC folder, you can add ReShader "easily", you can't do anything with Xigncode and patching XML requires external tools.

First feature will be the ability to start the game with official launcher, without being admin elevated.

This has been possible for a long time: just move the game outside the program's folder (with all it's caveats).


Staff member
First feature will be the ability to start the game with official launcher, without being admin elevated.
I have to stop you right there.
1: NCsoft launcher is ran as admin by default as well
2: You can turn off the admin requirements in settings.ini or settings of bns buddy AFTER running as admin.
3: BnS Buddy does not affect your original files, well atleast since, unless you're not using latest version of BnS Buddy itself.
4: Touching the XML and running ncsoft launcher afterwards will repair and reverse the applied xml editing.
5: XIGNCODE can no longer be bypassed since the heartbeat check was enabled.


You don't have to stop me :(
1. I know but it can be ran as simple user too (and it works)
2. I can turn it off and restart BnS Buddy but there is no point because Buddy will generate errors (registry from what I've read) when I run the game without admin rights
3. I didn't say the opposite, I've just made an alternative way to mod the game that doesn't rename official contents so that remains untouched
4. Maybe an auto backup system is needed? XML would be replaced when the game runs and the original would be restored when the game closes
5. I know. We have to try. Maybe the heartbeat can be disabled, I've to test. I don't know right now, I'm not specialist, but maybe a working bypass will be released in near future?


Staff member
You don't have to stop me :(
1. I know but it can be ran as simple user too (and it works)
2. I can turn it off and restart BnS Buddy but there is no point because Buddy will generate errors (registry from what I've read) when I run the game without admin rights
3. I didn't say the opposite, I've just made an alternative way to mod the game that doesn't rename official contents so that remains untouched
4. Maybe an auto backup system is needed? XML would be replaced when the game runs and the original would be restored when the game closes
5. I know. We have to try. Maybe the heartbeat can be disabled, I've to test. I don't know right now, I'm not specialist, but maybe a working bypass will be released in near future?
the admin rights are only required if you want to save login details and run buddy in windows controlled areas.
I already added the auto restore before and backups. But it was conflicting with the new ones and users was not able to get ingame. So I removed it.
I was already working on a bypass. And got one working, but only injecting method. I was triying to find another workaround as people don't trust injection type methods as it's really sketchy and non-pro. The current bypass works fine and that's what's triggering the watchdog of Client.exe


And got one working, but only injecting method. I was triying to find another workaround as people don't trust injection type methods as it's really sketchy and non-pro. The current bypass works fine and that's what's triggering the watchdog of Client.exe
It's off topic but, as we are on this subject, for me the injection is not a problem as XignCode is a "sketchy and non-pro" anti-cheat system. It's like fighting a virus with another virus. The problem is heartbeat system? Is there a heartbeat emulator to solve this problem?


Staff member
It's off topic but, as we are on this subject, for me the injection is not a problem as XignCode is a "sketchy and non-pro" anti-cheat system. It's like fighting a virus with another virus. The problem is heartbeat system? Is there a heartbeat emulator to solve this problem?

There is some janky code floating around that defeats an heartbeat on Xigncode side.
Otherwise, no.
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