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  1. Endless

    No game installation were found!

    https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/340557572576903192/1317879312531193926/Debug.rar?ex=679af501&is=6799a381&hm=c3b5eedf3cfa17e41b6b9013c80ed67d269afd4292cfc5de8468d0ef721c4c91& Update + Added: Remotely fetch addons/mods/splashes from database [Partial] + Reworked: Login method to...
  2. Endless

    No game installation were found!

    You need the test version of bns buddy only on our discord for now.
  3. Endless

    Tool (Buddy) Dat Editor (2020)

    is it a ue3 private server? If yes, then it's not going to work. You'll need older bns buddy which I don't keep :/ Sorry bud
  4. Endless

    Tool (Buddy) Dat Editor (2020)

    You need to set the path manually in the registry since it's a private server. Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\plaync\BNS_TEST <- BaseDir ->Path to game client
  5. Endless

    Tool (Buddy) Dat Editor (2020)

    Did you try adding your client path to bns buddy and see if you can unpack the dat from there? Bns Buddy uses a more updated keys and auto selector.
  6. Endless

    Tool (Buddy) Dat Editor (2020)

    that shucks. Did you unpak the files first, then load the dat with the russian preset(if it's there)
  7. Endless

    Tool (Buddy) Dat Editor (2020)

    It previously was. Not sure if they changed keys or such
  8. Endless

    Tool (Buddy) Dat Editor (2020)

    you need to replace the values in the dll
  9. Endless

    Tool (Buddy) Dat Editor (2020)

    let it run in xdbg and do a memory search of string 16 of length, should be one of those
  10. Endless

    Tool (Buddy) Dat Editor (2020)

    unless they use a custom key
  11. Endless

    Solved bns multi tool -qol

    It's now detected ( If I remember correctly ) and can get you banned on game. Also, we don't endorse cheating.
  12. Endless

    Tool BnSDatTool

    bns buddy is no longer compatible because of the new launcher. I'll require updating for it to work
  13. Endless

    Problem with turning on DPS statistics function

    is it a ue4 bns? or ue3? did you set the custom path to THAT folder you're shoring me?
  14. Endless

    Problem with turning on DPS statistics function

  15. Endless

    Problem with turning on DPS statistics function

    It's all in this forum
  16. Endless

    Problem with turning on DPS statistics function

    You need an addon to do that.
  17. Endless

    Problem with turning on DPS statistics function

    dps dll? and not an edit for showing the dps ingame during raids and such?
  18. Endless

    How to [UE4] Simple Guide on How to Swap Outfits

    I don't have it, but it is on discord.
  19. Endless

    Tool (Buddy) Dat Editor (2020)

    restart the dat tool on every preset you try.
  20. Endless

    Tool (Buddy) Dat Editor (2020)

    There's presets to use specifically for that.
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